Venue: Governor\'s 3 clear filter
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Monday, March 24

10:00am EDT

Put Some Pep Back Into Your PLC!
Monday March 24, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am EDT
Tired of unproductive, one-sided, time consuming PLC's? Join us for tips & tricks to put some PEP back in your PLC using the P.E.P method! We will cover strategies for standards based planning, student engagement, and planning to ensure student success. You're sure to leave with a handful of tools to make your PLCs effective and efficient- and dare we say, enjoyable?
Monday March 24, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am EDT
Governor's 3

11:00am EDT

Be the Voice Not the Echo
Monday March 24, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am EDT
Imagine if you were exposed to leadership training and leadership concepts as a middle school or high school student. Your outlook changes. You look in the mirror and see yourself differently. A shift happens. A tipping point occurs. Not only do you see who you are but you see who you can become. Learn how to create a leadership camp and leadership exchanges using Dr. Frank Rudnesky's Fired Up Leadership model with nontraditional opportunities. Give students a voice and create a leadership school.
Monday March 24, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am EDT
Governor's 3

2:00pm EDT

The Rewired Teen Brain
Monday March 24, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Neuroplasticity was and is the term that explains how the brain changes and learns. The adolescent mind has always been different from other ages but with the increase in technology and the impact of the pandemic the middle school brain is far different than before. This session will provide the neuroscience of how the brain learns but emphasis will be on current research in both teaching and learning and the how technology, COVID, drugs, and alcohol impact the adolescent brain. This information is vital for all who work with our middle level students.
Monday March 24, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Governor's 3

3:00pm EDT

Transforming a school: Using your head and your heart.
Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
Are you a new school administrator? Are you an administrator embarking on a journey in a new school setting? The education profession continues to evolve. How will you lead your school to success? How do you prioritize the needs of your faculty and students? Principal Regina Blanding will outline effective ways to increase student achievement while balancing the social-emotional needs of students and teachers. Principal Blanding has successfully led two school teams off of “The List”. Come learn how you can transform your school using your head and your heart.
Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
Governor's 3
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