Exploring and achieving equity in education is a vital and current topic. It requires more than just awareness; it demands intentional action from leaders. In this interactive session, we delve into the practical aspects of fostering equity within your educational environment. We'll utilize the innovative Equity Framework, pioneered by educators from Chicago Public Schools, as a tool to confront and address specific equity challenges unique to your institution. This workshop is not just about theory; it's about action. You'll leave with a tailor-made action plan, imbued with a sense of purpose, ready to be shared and implemented within your school community. Plus, you'll gain access to an array of practical resources to kickstart this critical journey towards lasting change in the realm of educational equity.
Exploring and achieving equity in education is a vital and current topic. It requires more than just awareness; it demands intentional action from leaders. In this interactive session, we delve into the practical aspects of fostering equity within your educational environment. We'll utilize the innovative Equity Framework, pioneered by educators from Chicago Public Schools, as a tool to confront and address specific equity challenges unique to your institution. This workshop is not just about theory; it's about action. You'll leave with a tailor-made action plan, imbued with a sense of purpose, ready to be shared and implemented within your school community. Plus, you'll gain access to an array of practical resources to kickstart this critical journey towards lasting change in the realm of educational equity.
What does deeper learning look, sound, or feel like? How could you ensure students are learning at the level demanded by academic standards? Discover how Depth of Knowledge (DOK) establishes and evaluates the depth and extent students must demonstrate and discuss their learning. Recognize the four distinct ways students can demonstrate and discuss their Depth of Knowledge. Understand how Depth of Knowledge checks and confirms the complexity of academic standards, activities, and assessments. Analyze which part of a learning expectation or target determines the DOK Level. Use the language of DOK to specify what exactly and how deeply students must comprehend and communicate their learning. Apply the DOK Levels to plan and provide teaching and learning experiences that are standards driven and student supportive. Most importantly, discover how teaching and learning for Depth of Knowledge makes the experience impactful, measurable, and visible.
In this session, Principal Kafele will contend emphatically that, “The primary purpose of the supervision of teachers is student achievement and their continued improvement of instruction!” Due to the complexities of school leadership, it is easy to be so inundated by the non-instructional aspects of the work that the instructional side of the leadership inclusive of instructional coaching suffers. When the instructional side suffers, it adversely impacts the entire school academically. To that end, this high-engagement, self-reflective session, Principal Kafele will provide attendees with strategies toward maintaining a focus on the instructional side of their leadership toward increasing the probability that teacher pedagogy will improve significantly and student achievement will soar.
We've all had the experience of teaching our students new content, watching them learn it, and then watching them forget it as time goes by. How can we help students fend off forgetting? Recent cognitive psychology research suggests a strategy called retrieval practice is a teacher's best option to support student remembering of content in the long-term. Based on conversations with learning scientists, Cult of Pedagogy's Jennifer Gonzalez (2017) has called retrieval practice "the most powerful learning strategy you're not using." This session will explain how to use it through concrete examples and offer specific tips for using it in ways that don't take much prep time but have a big impact on learning. If you're tired of feeling disappointed by how much students have forgotten by the end of the year and don't want to keep spending so much time on crammed review in May, this session's for you.