Monday March 24, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Reading for Pleasure: Attendees explore and discuss a wide array of books, sharing their feelings about the experience. Many students stop reading for pleasure in third grade, stagnating fluency growth. I decided to bring that kind of reading back. The results? 6th Grade Growth Data (Title 1 School): 62% grew 1-3 grade levels on iReady diagnostics, 6.4% average increase on Check-ins (as compared to a DECREASE in students not on the program), 8% more proficiency on the EOG, as compared to students not on the program. How do we get students to do this? What’s the buy in? Experience Incentive: Materialism vs. Experientialism object lesson followed by talk. Reward field trips are more satisfying and enrich life context for many disadvantaged students. How it works: Program slideshow, including strength training analogy (weightlifting fails video), book notes accountability piece, field trip ideas, photos, and personal student success stories.
Monday March 24, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Mecklenburg 3

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