Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
This session will highlight the importance of addressing students' basic psychological autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs. Doing so can help move students from amotivated towards intrinsically motivated, reinforcing our commitment to their holistic development and well-being. Teachers will learn practical and easy-to-implement strategies to enhance students' autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom, including research-based high-yield strategies that teachers can leverage to increase student learning and achievement. This interactive session will engage teachers in reflecting on current practices and practical implementation strategies, empowering them with the capability to make a positive impact on student motivation. When these needs are factored into teachers' decision-making processes, these three basic needs can significantly increase students' perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness within the classroom, thereby increasing their intrinsic motivation.
avatar for Catherine Schwoebel

Catherine Schwoebel

Instructional Coach, Harnett County Schools
Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
Carolina C

Attendees (2)

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