Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
In this dynamic workshop, attendees will explore the essential practices for developing effective leadership within their schools. We will delve into the critical role of principals as leaders, managers, and developers of future school leaders, focusing on thinking three or four moves ahead to anticipate and address challenges. Participants will engage with essential questions that highlight expectations, and model transactional and transformational behaviors to foster a culture of excellence. Attendees will gain practical tools and strategies, including: Leadership Frameworks: Understanding the principles of effective leadership; Scenario Analysis: Developing foresight and strategic planning skills; Behavioral Modeling: Demonstrating key leadership behaviors daily; Mentorship Techniques: Coaching and developing a talent bench. This session promises to be interactive, with discussions, role-plays, and real-world applications, providing a comprehensive blueprint for nurturing the next generation of school leaders.
Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
Governor's 1

Attendees (5)

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