Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
How can we motivate ourselves and our students? How can we create and maintain enthusiasm in our classroom? This interactive session will include a short discussion on the research behind motivation but quickly move into motivation techniques. Takeaways from this session will include a look at the four powerful E’s of motivation: the Power of Encouragement; the Power of Empowerment; the Power of Expectation; the Power of Emotion. This will be followed by the eight Secrets of Motivation and how they can be applied to the classroom and to future success as well. We will also take time to celebrate what we do and how important we are by celebrating each other. It is important to remember that teaching is the greatest profession and we are still important and essential to the success of our students and the community. Come share the joy.
Monday March 24, 2025 3:00pm - 3:50pm EDT
Carolina E

Attendees (2)

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