Monday March 24, 2025 4:00pm - 4:50pm EDT
Turn today's global challenges into thought-provoking lesson plans that build students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills and communication skills. In this hands-on session, discover ways to help students integrate new content and skills across several academic disciplines through an environmental lens. These interdisciplinary activities help students explore human-environmental interactions and paths to a sustainable future. Engage in a game of strategy around shared resources. Work in collaborative groups to identify indicators of a sustainable community. Create a 3D model examining the environmental and economic considerations of resource extraction. Activities and discussion relevant to life and earth sciences, geography, mathematics and ELA. A variety of teaching techniques and ideas for differentiation will be outlined and all lessons are matched to North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Monday March 24, 2025 4:00pm - 4:50pm EDT
Symphony VI

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