Tuesday March 25, 2025 8:30am - 9:20am EDT
Often, we can tell whether a school is a dynamic one in the first five minutes of a visit. The school "invites" visitors and all members of its "family" to share the warmth being generated throughout the learning process rather than keeping one's distance as a clinical observer. The result is a dynamic learning environment generated by genuine caring and inspired "family" members. Together let's explore some of the key traits of effective teaching across all curricula? Let's consider the roles of the arts, reading aloud, motivation, voice and choice, climate and culture, and more. Participants will explore a variety of questions, concerns, and challenges that address the type of culture and climate being used in classrooms, buildings, and districts. The importance of reading and writing across the curricula will be explored. The role of the arts across the curricula will be demonstrated through student work samples will be discussed.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 8:30am - 9:20am EDT
Governor's 1

Attendees (2)

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