About me
Sherri Nelson is a former middle school teacher and instructional coach. She is currently the director of instruction, curriculum, and assessment for the Brandon Valley School District in South Dakota.
A highly-regarded educator for more than three decades, Sherri has worked as an instructional leader in two school districts on both ends of the student achievement continuum: a rural and low-income district (once identified by the state as requiring immediate improvement) and an affluent suburban district (recognized as being one of the best in the state). In both communities, she encountered students who demonstrated academic excellence with minimal assistance and those who needed extra support until they could independently navigate their academic journeys. Serving as a Learning Lifeguard while remaining employed full-time as an instructional leader allows Sherri to connect informally with students and reminds her why she chose to become an educator: she cares about kids and wants to positively impact their lives.
Ms. Nelson is the author of "Learning Lifeguards: Your 10-Step Guide to Building a Team that Motivates Struggling Students to Love Learning and Stay in School." Additionally, she co-authored the "Brick House Study Guide" for The Power of ICU Team and has contributed several articles and stories for educational publications such as AMLE and ASCD, among others.
In her spare time, Sherri finds joy in connecting with educators nationwide and collaborating with them to develop plans for helping every student experience academic success. With extensive experience as a Learning Lifeguard, she has presented on academic lifeguarding at schools and conferences across 17 states.